Senior Residents Give Back to Rescue Squad

Left to right: Frances Thomas, Frances Arvin, Firefighter Richardson, Firefighter Hostettler, Lt. Trice, Rita Shumate, Pat Barnett

On Saturday, May 21, the residents of Rockwood Village came together to hold a community-wide yard sale at Faith Heritage Church on Courthouse Road.  The yard sale was more than just a ‘spring cleaning’ – it was a way for the residents to say thank you to Station 24 of the Chesterfield County Rescue Squad, as they are the ones who man the ambulance 90% of the time when there are calls to the community.  The residents worked hard to gather items to sell and publicize the event.  The fundraiser was a great success – no sale items were left over, and the residents had raised $1,322.11.  They happily presented a check in this amount to members of the squad on the following Thursday.

The check will go to Station 24’s Cares Fund, which is used to buy equipment not ordinarily covered by the county fire department, as well as to help families who have had fires or medical emergencies.

Senior residents Frances Arvin, Pat Barnett, Frances Thomas, Joan Theriot, and Rita Shumate coordinated the fundraiser, while BHC’s Community Social Worker Erin Butterworth helped coordinate the collection of goods and Randy O’Connor, BHC Maintenance Technician for Rockwood Village, transported these goods to the church.

BHC’s senior communities are designed to enable our residents to age in place with comfort and dignity.  We thank the Chesterfield Rescue Squad for all they do to serve our residents, and congratulate our seniors on such a successful fundraiser!


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