BHC’s annual Groundbreakers celebration returns to Beckstoffers Mill in Church Hill on Tuesday, April 5, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. We invite you to celebrate our 2011 Groundbreaker Award winners and their contributions to the Greater Richmond community. Special guests include The Honorable Robert F. McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, and The Honorable Dwight C. Jones, Mayor of The City of Richmond. This year’s award recipients, selected by the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond, are:
Community Revitalizer – Bob Sledd, Senior Economic Advisor to the Governor of Virginia
Changer of Lives – Cullen Rivers, MD, CrossOver Ministry
Creative Collaborator – Jeanine Harper, Greater Richmond SCAN
Henry David Thoreau Environmental Conservator – Patrick Farley, Watershed Architects
Spirits and savory food will be served as the Quintessential Jazz Ensemble plays live at the event.
Beckstoffers Mill is located on the 1200 block of N. 28th Street of Church Hill. BHC will transform this 100-year-old lumber mill into a new mixed-use, mixed-income community featuring loft-style apartments and affordable homes for sale.