Welcome to BHC’s Homebuyer’s Club
Interested in buying a home but aren’t sure where to start? Sign up for a Better Housing Coalition Homebuyer’s Club info session and get on the path to homeownership! Owning a home can provide for your and your family’s financial stability and help create generational wealth through the equity built in your home’s value over time.
Our free series of four Homebuyer’s Club workshop sessions will help you learn what it takes to prepare to buy – and then maintain – a home. BHC’s Homebuyer’s Club is an educational program for prospective homeowners, offering financial literacy and other resources to Better Housing Coalition residents and community partners.
Over the course of four workshops, we will guide participants through the essential steps of homeownership: from assessing financial readiness to understanding the real estate market, navigating the mortgage process, and closing the deal, each workshop is designed to provide attendees with comprehensive knowledge and practical insights.
Eligibility: Membership in BHC’s Homeowner’s Club is limited to households making no more than 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI) as defined by HUD (example: income at or below $132,160 for a family of four).
Sign up for BHC’s Homebuyer’s Club
Enter your contact information in the web form via the above link, or scan the QR code to express interest in learning more!
Note: your details will only be used to contact you regarding Homebuyer’s Club information, and will not be shared, sold or traded to anyone.
Spring 2024 Session
4 consecutive workshops, 2 hours each. Presented in a combination of in-person and virtual workshops (hybrid format). Participants must complete all four:
Download an informational flyer here
About BHC’s Homebuyer’s Club
Better Housing Coalition (BHC) is a participant in the WORTH (Wealth Opportunities Realized through Homeownership) program, sponsored by LISC and Wells Fargo. The goal of the WORTH program is to get 5,000 new households ready for home ownership by December 2025. As part of this program, BHC is launching a Homebuyer’s Club which offers a series of free educational sessions for eligible renters interested in learning more about making the shift to owning a home.
More than 25,000 households of color in the Richmond, Virginia region are considered “mortgage ready,” based on income, credit and access to quality loan products. Even so, due to significant barriers and disparities in home ownership rates between white persons and people of color, the racial wealth gap in our nation is higher than ever. Through the WORTH program, BHC aims to help lower barriers to home ownership and narrow that gap. Membership in BHC’s Homebuyer’s Club is centered around low-to-moderate income individuals and families in underserved areas that have historically experienced systemic barriers to homeownership.
The WORTH program is offered to eligible individuals and families located in the Richmond, VA Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.