BHC to Hold Historic Tax Credit Workshop

The Better Housing Coalition’s (BHC) Center for Neighborhood Revitalization is pleased to present a workshop on how renovating a historic house can benefit homeowners living in the numerous State & Federal Historic Districts located throughout the City of Richmond.  Join us to learn how to make the most of Virginia’s Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program.

Award-winning Historic Tax Credit Project in Manchester - 1428 Bainbridge Before and After

The following topics will be covered:

  • Historic Tax Credits: Overview of the Application Process
  • Syndicating Historic Tax Credits: What You Need to Know to get Cash from your Project

DATE: Saturday, May 14, 2011

TIME: 9:30 a.m. – noon

LOCATION: Forest Hill Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 4401 Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond, VA 23225 (between Forest Hill Park and Westover Hills Boulevard)

MAP: Click here for the map.

PARKING: Free parking is available in the church parking lot

COST: $15 to cover the cost of workshop materials

This workshop will provide owners of historic houses all the necessary information on how to navigate the historic tax credit process.

Space is limited.  Please call David Herring at the BHC Center for Neighborhood Revitalization to RSVP.

PHONE: 804-644-0546 x37

EMAIL: [email protected]


Categories: News