Regina Chaney and Todd Waldo Join BHC Board

Richmond, Va. (January 9, 2014)—The Board of Directors of the Better Housing Coalition (BHC) elected Regina Chaney and Todd Waldo to its membership, effective immediately.

Chaney is a senior housing education specialist in the Center for Housing Education at Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) of Virginia. Waldo is enterprise engineering manager at Royall & Company.

“Regina and Todd are both dedicated to community service and have made substantial contributions to neighborhood revitalization efforts throughout Greater Richmond,” said Greta Harris, BHC’s president and CEO. “We welcome them to our Board and look forward to the value they bring to our organization.”

Chaney, Regina B&WDuring her 25-year tenure at HOME, Chaney served as the director of homeownership counseling programs, director of counseling services and community relations coordinator.  A long-time proponent of fair housing issues, Chaney participated in the first redlining challenge in the South to decry a practice in which banks discriminated against prospective borrowers in low- and middle-income income neighborhoods. Chaney currently serves on the Board of the Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC). She was a founding Board member of Richmond Habitat for Humanity and served the Virginia Federation of Housing Counselors as president and treasurer. Chaney is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University.

Waldo, Todd B&WWaldo serves on the Board of the Robinson Theater Community Arts Center in Richmond’s Church Hill neighborhood. Prior to his election to BHC’s Board, Waldo served on 3HC, BHC’s junior board. He is a past board member of Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT) and the Church Hill Academy, and he is an active member of the Church Hill Central Civic Association, among other organizations.  Waldo earned a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering at North Carolina State University, and is a graduate of VCU’s Interactive Marketing Institute.

Click here to see all BHC Board members.


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